Work: Job finding basics
This course was designed with Articulate Storyline 360. This course aimed to create a multi-media course for the ACCESS Students at my high school to assist with their transition to independent living and English Language Arts state standards for written and oral communication. ACCESS students are in a self-contained unit and have varying skill sets that are impacted by their specific diagnoses and disabilities. The accessibility features of the course include voice-over for every slide, increased font size, photographs of real people with and without disabilities, multiple practice applications, limited option quizzes, and immediate feedback. Each unit includes a supplemental worksheet utilizing a modified Canva template.
*due to images of actual students completing tasks, and student names used within the course, a full course sample is unavailable.
A unit-based approach allows for the students to complete the module in multiple sessions. Each unit is focused on a specific aspect of the job search process and includes multiple checks for understanding and practice.
Relatable Images
The module utilizes photographs of real people and jobs. Images of people with disabilities completing a task were used when they could be found. Images of the students completing tasks during job placements and career training days were also used. Using relatable images reinforces learners purpose to the training.
Limited Error Reinforcement
In addition to multiple checkpoints throughout a unit. Each unit ends with a quiz that limits errors. This reinforces the retention of appropriate information and encourages learners to apply knowledge and understanding.