Professional Writing
Description: This course was designed as a brief introduction to professional writing The target audience is high school and early college interns or those switching careers from a non-office environment. The microlesson focuses on three common types of communication, emails, memos, and meeting agendas. This self paced course includes interactive components and a culminating scenario assessment with feedback.
Time Spent: 12 hours
Authoring Tool(s): Articulate Rise

Table of Contents
The contents of the course are separated in to easy to follow sections, each focusing on one aspect of professional writing.

Interactive Features
Each section contains at least one interaction feature. The reference image is of a self correcting sorting feature on the topic of email subjects. Participants are asked to sort the subject line as 'effective' or 'ineffective'.

Culminating Task
The culminating task for this course is an office-specific scenario. Learners are asked to help guide an intern through selecting and formatting the appropriate type of professional writing for a new project. Feedback is given as learners make their selections.