Public Education
Everyone can learn. I have worked with learners in multiple educational settings and at all stages of life, from preschool to adult. My goal is to meet scholars where they are and help build their confidence and content knowledge. I do this through mutual respect, awareness, and personalizing lessons to the extent possible.

High School 9-12
Design and create content lessons
Promote application of skills outside of the classroom
Evaluate data through formative and summative assessments
Produce above average assessment results
Assess needs of individual learners based on evaluation and assessment
Align content lessons to desired achievement outcome through backwards design
Gamification and hands on e-learning and analog design
LMS platform applications and integration
Integration of G-Suite and Microsoft Office applications
Long term experience with 10th and 12th grade
Middle School 6-8
Design and create content lessons
Evaluate data through formative and summative assessments
Assess needs of individual learners based on evaluation and assessment
Align content lessons to desired achievement outcome through backwards design
Gamification and hands on learning design
LMS platform applications and integration
Integration of G-Suite and Microsoft Office applications
Long term experience with 7th and 8th grade
Piloted community outreach program

Elementary School K-5
Design and create content lessons
Evaluate data using quantitative and qualitative measures
Assess needs of individual learners
Align content lessons to desired achievement outcome
Design hands on learning experiences
Long term experience with Kindergarten, 1st grade
Short term experience with 3rd, 4th, 5th grade

Museum Education
Costumed Interpretation - present historically accurate information and experiences for guests
Youth Volunteer Leader - train and manage youth volunteers for community outreach
Youth Program Instructor - develop, design and present summer programming and community outreach
Museum Program Assistant- present guided educational tours to single and multi-level guest groups of 5-50

Girl Scouts of the USA
National Council Delegate- represented council at national meeting
Trainer of Trainers- taught other trainers how to present material to delegates and leaders in an effective manner
Council Trainer- train service unit representatives and troop leaders on content pertaining to their role
Service Unit Delegate- represent the service unit at the council level
Service Unit Director- manage geographical collection of troop level volunteers
Troop Leader- organize and oversee member driven activities, manage troop level volunteers